International Job Placement
IT Staff
We are recruiting for positions connected with IT industry:
- developers
- architects
- system / network administrators
- analysts (data)
- SAP / IT consultants and HelpDesk
- testers
- managers
Technical Staff
We specialize in the recruitment of technical staff for the companies operating in sectors such as construction, metal, automotive, maritime, logistics and manufacturing. We recruit:
- electricians (construction + maintenance)
- certified welders
- fitters/metalworkers
- CNC-programmers, operators
- plumbers
- mechanics
- drivers
- construction workers (carpenters, steel fixers)
- productions workers
All of our candidates have a communicative command of the receiving country’s language, are mobile and worked (at least) one time in your country.
Our competitive advantage in this field is a prompt reaction to your demand. Usually we need 2-3 days till the recruited candidate could start a work. The candidate profile is submitted within 24 hours.
We act professionally at all times and show a comprehensive understanding of your industry by developing tailor-made solutions.
Our cooperation in 10 STEPS
- Step: You send us a demand for particular worker(s) with job specification including description of tasks, education requirement, language requirements, location, information on salary and accommodation and also start date of the work.
- Step: We send you a profile(s) of potential candidate(s).
- Step: You are allowed to contact a candidate personally.
- Step: You accept a chosen candidate.
- Step: We contact an accepted candidate.
- Step: You look for accommodation.
- Step: You send to us and recruited candidate an employment contract and addresses of accommodation and workplace.
- Step: We send to accepted candidate the information on the working conditions in Polish.
- Step: We contact accepted candidate after his/her arrival and we inform you about it.
- Step: We coordinate the stay of the worker and provide the necessary support in solving problems that may occur.
We are remunerated on the basis of commission. We do not charge money from job seekers for finding them employment.
We make a difference
- prompt reaction time
- reliable contact person who is always up to date with your demand
- professional screening of language and skills
- transparent presentation of a job offer to our candidates
- support of our recruitment team in solving occurring problems
- emergency helpline for our workers available 24h
+48 729 525 882